Sagada, Mountain Province: Tour Around the Tiny Town (A Photo Entry)

by - 3:00 PM

The beautiful Episcopalian Church of St. Mary the Virgin.  

Did you know... that majority of the people in Sagada are baptized as Anglicans particularly under the Episcopal Church of the Philippines.

The church is famous for its rose petal stained glass.

At the side of the church you will find these wheel structures.
 I am not sure what these are for, though.

A little past the church we found these kids playing soccer.

Getting lost in trying to find the famous hanging coffins of Sagada but I didn't mind getting lost at all.

I wonder where this road would lead us?

We managed to find our way to Sagada's Public Cemetery. The dirt road on the right will lead you to the Hanging Coffins. At that time, a road was being cemented to make the descent safer for tourists.

View from the top. This is where the locals celebrate the Panag-apoy Festival every November to commemorate the dead. 

Stopping by to admire the flowers. I noticed flowers grow in the wild in the Cordilleras. While en route to Sagada, I saw calla lilies and sunflowers on the street.

We didn't realize we were already in the Echo Valley not until we heard other tourists shouting at the top of their lungs a few meters from us.

The simple and tiny town of Sagada as seen from the basketball court where the bus dropped us off.

Trying out the infamous lemon pie at the Lemon Pie House. Yum!

Which came first, chicken or egg?

Don't leave Sagada without trying out their Pinikpikan. 

Did you know... that Pinikpikan is a chicken dish of the Cordilleras. It is prepared by beating the live chicken first before cooking it. They say that the bruises and blood improves the flavor of the dish.

The cozy little cafe of Sagada Brew where I tasted the best caramel macchiato I've had so far.

Another cozy little restaurant in Sagada: The Lemon Pie House.

And of course, who would forget Mt. Kiltepan?

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